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Tuesday 7 October 2014

10 Things I Hate About The Supermarket

A bit of a weird topic to cover, but I go into Asda (virtually Wal-Mart if you're American) practically everyday, and unfortunately almost everything everyone does annoys me. Let's begin:

1. When people can't wait their turn to get the cookies
It doesn't have to be specifically cookies, but if I'm stood taking a closer look at something on the shelves, I don't want a big fat hand in my way! They're not going to grow legs and run away, you can wait until I'm done!

2. When shop assistants keep asking you if you need any help
No thank you, I am perfectly fine wandering up and down the same aisle a million times debating whether I should get starbursts or sour patch kids.

3. Aisle blockers
I understand things may be a bit hectic if you have a massive trolley, a pushchair, and three kids on your hands, but could you please move your problems to one side of the aisle? And then there's those people that want to spend all day having a chat and won't let you past even when you politely say 'excuse me'....

4. Children
I'm no baby hater, I love kids. But I don't want to hear your kid screaming at the top of their lungs for the entirety of my trip. And there's some children that seem to have parents that think it's perfectly okay for them to run around like animals and get in the way of strangers' shopping. They could get hurt! (Just thinking of their safety here)

5. The price
I don't get much when I go because I go so often, but let say I get a bag of about 5 items. It should cost £10 at the most. Only after I've payed I find out it cost £500 (exaggeration but still)

6. People collecting for charity at the exit
I give to charity, I'm not cold hearted. But I can't give money every time I leave a shop, especially since I hardly ever carry loose change around since I mainly use my card. And then they give you the 'you have no heart and deserve to rot in hell' look as you walk out without dropping any coins into their bucket.

7. People who go to the fast-lane with a whole years worth of shopping
The self-checkouts and fast-lane are there for people who only have a couple of small items and want to quickly get on with paying and leaving - NOT for people with enough food to feed an army.

8. That big massive thing
I don't know what to call it, but that huge trolley thing with products that staff re-stock the shelves with. The one that is literally as wide as the aisle itself. The one bigger than the actual supermarket.

9. Staff re-stocking the shelves
It's a job that has to be done, but does it have to be done the exact same time I want some cereal? They always take forever as well. What if I don't want to say 'excuse me can you move out of the damn way a sec I just need to grab some coco pops'?

10. "Oh wait! I forgot..." and "Let's put back the..."
Look here mate. I've spent 3 days waiting here because I thought you weren't gonna take that long. Clearly I was wrong, and not only have I wasted time waiting for all your stuff to be scanned, now I have to wait for you to get/return an item that lives on the other side of the damn store.

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