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Thursday 23 October 2014

My Top 3 Smartphones

(Blogger's note)
Sorry I haven't written in like almost two weeks... It won't happen again I promise please forgive me

Okay so,

I am obsessed with technology and though I may not be the first to buy all the latest gadgets (through lack of funds, if you would like to sponsor me with money I am open to all offers... just kidding), I am always the first to know about them. That being said, I spend a lot of time looking at all the tech-specs of phones and the like, just because I have nothing better to do with my life. Here are my top 3 smartphones that are out in the UK market:

(I haven't personally used them all but I have decided according to the specifications & reviews etc.)

1. iPhone 6
If I took price into consideration this wouldn't even make it onto the list, as it is ridiculously priced in the UK. £539 is the cheapest we can talk about, whereas across the pond (USA) prices start from $199. In terms of the actual content though, everyone knows what there is to love about iPhones.

2. Samsung Galaxy S5
I mean it's super tough, which is particularly good if you regularly drop you phone in the toilet, bath, outside, down the back of the sofa, and just everywhere basically (I swear I'm not a phone abuser). It sports a 16MP camera, good enough for me, a quad core 2.5GHz processor (super super fast), a freaking 4K video camera (they also call 4K 'Ultimate HD') and a good battery life (excellent for an avid phone user aka me).

3. HTC One M8
I've always wanted a HTC One, because it was simple amazing, then the HTC One M8 came out and I was like woah. The only reason it's third is because I'd rather boast that I have and iPhone or Samsung Galaxy S5 to my amigos.

Sarah x

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