Do you believe in unicorns?

Monday 6 October 2014

My Dream Holiday

Everyone daydreams about this - especially if you're like me, live in the UK, and spend most of your time staring at grey clouds and miserableness (or in other words, through your window).

As a professional daydreamer, I would like to give you all an insight to my dream holiday destination, and all the activities I plan to do while there (even though I'll probably never go because no money).


I felt the need to put that in a larger, bold, italic and underlined font, solely because it is my ultimate favourite place. For some reason I just found myself in love with it. Everything about it. And yes, I am aware that it isn't as rosy as the advertisements want us to think.

Is anyone else the same? Do you ever just fall utterly and completely in love with something for an unknown reason?

In regards to the imaginary holiday, I have it all planned out. Since UK/Brazil is a long-haul flight, and requires a change over, I'll spend the three hours waiting time sleeping in the airport, like you do. I'll sleep some more on the flight from whatever European country to Brazil. Then, I'll check into the hotel, try not to get mugged at gunpoint, and, obviously, spend forever and three days at a Praia de Copacabana (Copacabana beach). I loathe anything above 25 degrees Celsius, but I'll brave it for Brazil.

In Brazil however, you can't not go the Cristo Redentor, or as we know it, the Christ The Redeemer statue in the cidade maravilhosa (wonderful city) of Rio de Janeiro. I'll have to go in February though, because that is when Carnaval (carnival) is. This will probably inspire me to learn some samba, despite the fact I can't dance to save my life.

I'll make a point of visiting a churrascaria (steak house) and filling myself until I literally look like a pig, because the waiters go around the tables and serve you yet more grilled meat approximately every 5 minutes. Obviously I'm going to have to watch a football game, preferably one where a Seleção Brasileira (the Brazilian National team) are playing.

The next thing on the to-do list will clearly be to go to the depths of the Amazônia (I don't think I need to elaborate on that one) and sleep with the Amazonian tribes and let all the tribal children decorate me in tribal colours and tribal attire (don't judge me, a girl can dream).

What about your dream holiday?

Sarah x

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