Do you believe in unicorns?

Wednesday 8 October 2014


Hey y'all,

Here's the deal with me and guitars: I've had one for about 7 years now, but I've only just started playing it properly, which is a shame since two of the strings (the high E and low E aka the top and bottom one) won't tune because their corresponding tuning keys are broken. This happened because I left it unsupervised in the same room as my little brother, who was 2 at the time.

Did I mention that he also snapped on of the strings? Yeah, that meant that I had to go through the trouble of re-stringing the whole damn guitar just to fix one snapped string.

Don't let me put you off though, this was just my carelessness. If you're thinking about getting a guitar, DO IT! There are a lot of relatively cheap, good quality guitars out there. Once you practice, you'll find that playing is about 100000000x easier than it looks, trust me, I'm your internet friend.

Anyway, I had previously focused all my main efforts on the piano, but now it have come to see that learning songs on the guitar is so much easier and quicker.... Well at least for me. However unfortunately, at present I am left with an, effectively, 4-string classical guitar. If at this point you are feeling somewhat sorry for me, it's all good! My dad offered to buy me a much better electro-acoustic guitar in my favourite colour... Blue!

I'll do a review of it when I get it; before the end of the month. (Don't judge I'm on a budget) >>>

Sarah x

P.S. Sorry for this lame post but I wanted to write something about guitars because I'm obsessed.

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